Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Today was such a great day! In the morning we rotated classrooms and the kids had so many great activities.  In Mrs. Smith's room butter was made.   Mrs. Morrett's room houses the experience of writing with a quill.  Mrs. Gillaspy was doing soap carvings and Mrs. Paige had the kids making spirit sticks.  In our classroom we made a Thanksgiving Story Bracelet.
Following rotations we went to library and then began our pumpkin pie adventure.   This was such a fun way to use our reading skills and take part in a tradition in many households across the nation.
Today was such a fun day and I look forward to what the rest of the year will bring.   I am so thankful for having the opportunity to be your child's teacher.   They make it a joy to come to work and each day a new adventure.  Thank you. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Pumpkin Practice

Today I tested out a no bake pumpkin pie recipe! Just to make sure our cooking on  Wednesday won't be a flop. :) Needless to say it turned out great!  I'm so excited to practice using our reading skills in a real life situation!  What better way to practice strategies than with a yummy end result? With Thanksgiving break right around the corner there will be a few fun activities on Wednesday.  The second grade will be taking a tour around the classrooms to participate in Colonial activities as an extension to our current Social Studies unit.  This week is going to fly by!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Catching Up

 I would like to apologize for taking so long to put up any new posts!  It seems as though the month of October got the best of me and time slipped away.  Can you believe that Thanksgiving break is only a week away?  To start this post I am going to update with some photos that have been taken this past month.

 We got to take a ride on the Fire Truck for Fire Safety Week!  Everyone had a great time riding around the square.

 We had the Volunteer Fire Fighters come to teach us about how to be safe in a fire.  It was a fantastic demonstration and we are so lucky to have these guys take time off work to come present for us.  It is a good idea to talk with your kids about what their address and phone number is in case of an emergency.

 For our fall party we cut open some pumpkins and really dug in.  We counted out how many seeds were in each pumpkin and ways we can tell how many seeds would be in the pumpkin. 
 After cleaning up our pumpkin mess we had some yummy treats and watched a quick video.

Midterms will be sent home this Wednesday the 19th.   Thanksgiving break will kick off on Wednesday the 26th and we won't return to school until the first of December.  This year is flying by but there is much more to do!  Keep warm and enjoy the snow!

Skype with Australia

Here is what it looks like to have two classes invade our room!  Mrs. Kampf's class came to join us on our Skype Adventure!  While everything did not go as smoothly as hoped, we had a fantastic finish!